Queensland Native Seeds

Ventilago viminalis

Scientific NameVentilago viminalis
Common Name(s)Vine Tree, Supplejack
Family Rhamnaceae


"Tree to 10 m high with pendent branches; juvenile plants intertwining and ± climbing." (PlantNet)


Ventilago viminalis fruit are ripe during November to December in southern to central Queensland. Currently a small amount of seed is collected and traded as the fruit which are samaras. These ripen and fall very quickly which makes collection on any scale difficult and ensures that overcollection of seed is unlikely. Most collections will occur by chance whilst other species are being sought.

Historical Notes


Ventilago viminalis occurs from Sydney heading north west in a band through the inland of New South Wales as far as the border. It is widespread in Queensland and the Northern Territory and all these populations are contiguous with trees found across some of the northern parts of Western Australia. A little further south west, off the Western Australian coast it occurs on Barrow Island and the Malus Islands and on the adjacent mainland inland as far as Newman.

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