Queensland Native Seeds

Myoporum montanum

Scientific NameMyoporum montanum
Common Name(s)Western Boobialla, Water Bush
Family Scrophulariaceae


"Glabrous shrub or small tree to 8 m high..." (PlantNET)


Myoporum montanum is a particularly useful plant for rehabilitation owing to its very widespread distribution and relevance to numerous plant communities including Eucalyptus populnea, Callitrus glaucophylla, mallee and Eucalypt forests. It tends to establish well and persists under variable and adverse conditions.

Myoporum montanum may be confused with the very similar Myoporum acuminatum however the latter plant has discolorous leaves; M. montanum has concolorous leaves.

For direct seeding purposes, seed is applied as dried fruit. This product is very simple to produce for the seed collector, often being at a comfortable working height. Fruiting material can be cut, dried, and threshed on tarps over a few days. The fruit should be air cleaned and further dried as a clean fruit product before storing.

Cropping events for Myoporum montanum may be unpredictable. Crops over large areas or in small pockets have been located in wetter periods and very dry periods. At other times when conditions appear favourable the plants may do little. Timing has been mostly in mid Spring however late crops also occur, at least in small, productive pockets.

Historical Notes


Widespread, particulary in Queensland and New South Wales, however found in all mainland states.

References and Related Links

PlantNET (The NSW Plant Information Network System). Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au [Accessed: Aug 14, 2021]

