Queensland Native Seeds

Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata

Scientific NameDodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata
Common Name(s)Wedge Leaf Hop Bush


"Compact, spreading shrub to 3 m." (Flora of Australia)


Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata is used in mines and roadside rehabilitation work in New South Wales and Queensland. Among other areas, we often encounter the taxon within Eucalyptus moluccana woodland to open forest. Threshing and air-separation is used in the simple cleaning process. Flotation separation is often beneficial. In drier years, the winged capsules may appear in reasonable numbers and yet may prove to hold too little seed to make collection economic. Collection sites may often exhibit significant competition from neighbouring trees and shrubs which exacerbates moisture stress and related problems with seed production.

In general, Dodonaea species could be utilised far more in rehabilitation and irrigated cultivation for seed production may be required to make this possible. Seed produced via cultivation in foreign countries has been imported to Australia and this practice has been suboptimal in terms of the genetic considerations.

Historical Notes


"Occurs in south-eastern Australia; in the Murray Mallee region of S.A., in north-western Vic., on slopes and plains W of the Great Dividing Range and in the upper Hunter Valley area of N.S.W., and in south-eastern Qld." (Flora of Australia)

References and Related Links

J.G. West (2020) Dodonaea viscosa subsp. cuneata, in (ed.), Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment: Canberra. https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Dodonaea%20viscosa%20subsp.%20cuneata [Date Accessed: Nov 23, 2019]


Botanical Illustrations by Sylvia Seiler. Compiled by Ross and Wilma Tait for the Chinchilla Field Naturalists’ Club, 2014