Queensland Native Seeds

Crotalaria medicaginea var. medicaginea

Scientific NameCrotalaria medicaginea var. medicaginea
CategoriesForbNitrogen Fixer
Common Name(s)Trefoil Rattlepod
FamilyFabaceae Subfamily Faboideae


"Ascending or decumbent herb or subshrub, 30–60 cm high;..." (PlantNet)


Crotalaria medicaginea var. medicaginea is a native plant rarely or never used in rehabilitation to date however we are studying the plant and felt it should be included here. There are also many introduced, weedy Crotalaria species on the Australian continent today and increasing awareness of the differences is beneficial to our cause.

The specimens photographed below cycled very rapidly after a moderate rainfall event in Mid Summer. This species may behave as a perennial or an annual. The setting here is alluvial granite wash supporting an open woodland of Eucalyptus melanophloia, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Angophora floribunda, flanking the Boyne River.

Historical Notes


References and Related Links

PlantNET (The NSW Plant Information Network System). Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney. http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au [Accessed: Feb 9, 2021]
