Queensland Native Seeds

Angophora floribunda

Scientific NameAngophora floribunda
Common Name(s)Apple, Rough-Barked Apple


"Tree to 30 m, often gnarled. Bark fibrous, brown to grey throughout." (Flora of Australia)


"Grows in alluvial soil, sandy loam and sand in open forest and woodland on undulating country and on plains." (Flora of Australia)

Angophora floribunda appears to flower well in dry seasons although rain is still required for fruit filling and ripening. The seed collector must pay considerable attention to fruit development and ripening because the window for collection is narrow. The fruit dehiscence function can be negatively affected by water stress. It may be neccessary to test locations to avoid collections of inferior material. Flowering and fruiting occurs relatively quickly as Summer is beginning.

Historical Notes


"Occurs from S of Rockhampton, Qld, to the New England area, N.S.W., and from S of Port Macquarie, N.S.W., to the Mallacoota area, Vic., with an outlier at Ravenshoe near Atherton, Qld." (Flora of Australia)

References and Related Links

Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [Date Accessed: 25th Sept 2019] http://www.ausflora.org.au
