Queensland Native Seeds

Angophora costata subsp. leiocarpa

Scientific NameAngophora costata subsp. leiocarpa
Common Name(s)Smooth-Barked Apple


"Small to medium-sized tree to 25 m high. Forming a lignotuber." (Euclid, 4th Ed.)


"Grows in sandy soil on sandstone hills in open forest." (Flora of Australia)

Angophora costata subsp. leiocarpa can flower well in dry seasons although rain is still required for fruit filling and ripening. The seed collector must pay considerable attention to fruit development and ripening because the window for collection is narrow. The fruit dehiscence function can be negatively affected by water stress. It may be neccessary to test locations to avoid collections of inferior material. Flowering and fruiting occurs relatively quickly as Summer is beginning.

Historical Notes


"It is a small to medium-sized tree occurring north from Grafton and Narrabri in north-eastern New South Wales, and is widely distributed in south-eastern Queensland north to Blackall and Mackay." (Euclid, 4th Ed.)

References and Related Links

EUCLID Eucalypts of Australia Edition 4 (2015, internet based, hosted by the Atlas of Living Australia). Date accessed: 27th Sept 2019 http://keyserver.lucidcentral.org:8080/euclid/data/02050e02-0108-490e-8900-0e0601070d00/media/Html/index.htm


Flora of Australia. Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra. [Date Accessed: 27th Sept 2019] http://www.ausflora.org.au https://profiles.ala.org.au/opus/foa/profile/Angophora%20costata%20subsp.%20leiocarpa